How To Import Big Items From The US On A Boat - Bahamas
Life happens. The refrigerator that you had for the last 10 years has broken down. What will you do?
What if I said importing a new refrigerator is easier than you think?! Would that surprise you?
When in the market for new appliances, our northern neighbor offers a wide range of options in every price range.
The two main ways to view and purchase these appliances are the brick-and-mortar option of traveling and viewing the models in stores or from the comfort of your home. No matter the method you chose, the following steps will be the same.
Have the item shipped, or transport it yourself to the courier of your choice. This involves googling the company e.g the Mailboat company and getting their U.S. location’s address. Whichever method you select, please ensure that the company has the receipt for all items purchases.
Confirm when the item is expected to be shipped.
Pay the bill at the shipping company so that you can receive your documents to give to a customs broker.
Get a reputable customs broker to prepare your entry documents. The range of services offered by a broker can be simply preparing the documents to go and clear the items for you.
After the customs and VAT bills have been paid and you have gotten the release documents, you are now able to go and pick up the appliance from the company.