Trinidad & Tobago
Customs Duty Rates

What are Trinidad and Tobago duty rates?

Trinidad and Tobago customs duty rates are the percentages used to tax items being imported into the country. They may also be simply referred to as custom duties.

Trinidad and Tobago duty rates range from 0% to 40%. In addition to the duty rate, there is a standard 7% online purchasing tax and a value-added tax (VAT) that’s usually 12.5%.

Trinidad and Tobago Duty-Free

In Trinidad and Tobago, duty-free items are those with a duty rate of 0%. According to the Customs and Excise Division, some duty-free items such as baby strollers are still subject to other taxes such as VAT.  On the other hand, some duty-free items such as educational books have 0% VAT.

How To Find Trinidad and Tobago duty rates?

There are a few ways to find duty rates for Trinidad and Tobago. The country’s customs and excise division has some of the rates listed on its website. The rates are only for a small selection of commonly imported items.

Customs Act

The Trinidad and Tobago Customs Act contains the official and comprehensive list of duty rates for the country. The document uses the Harmonized System for classifying items and shows the duty rates alongside them.

Using Duty Rates To Calculate Import Cost

As indicated previously, the duty rates are the percentages used to calculate the import tax for items. In Trinidad and Tobago, Customs uses the landed cost to determine the duty.

To calculate the duty for a particular item, you multiply the duty rate by the landed cost. The landed cost is made up of the cost of the item, plus insurance and freight.

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